Showing posts with label Free svg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free svg. Show all posts

Believe - Free Bundle Of SVGS


Believe SVGS

Years back someone online was charging an outrageous amount for svgs that were simply the word "Believe" in fancy fonts.   This was long before I had my own group or page, but I quickly made these svgs, using commercial use fonts, to show members of another group how easy it was to do this themselves - and that [at that time]  buying the font was MUCH cheaper than the svg.  

This year I'm working on a massive clear out of my stored files, and I came across these old svgs.  I bundled them all together in one file that you can download at the bottom of this post.

These days, there are so many FREE commercial use fonts, you don't even have to buy a font!

You will, in most cases, need to learn how to use a character map, however, to add all of the extra swirls and extras, known as glyphs.  Here's a step by step if you want to learn that.

But if you just want to download the above Believe svgs, you can do that here:

Download all of these svgs in one zip file

Because of the way I merged these all into one upload, when you upload them, it will be a mess.

Simply click on the ungroup button, circled in red above, and then you can drag each svg to the side.  

I used the Santa Believe on our tree skirt.  Read more about how I made that, here:

Basic Circles Geocaching Shirt - Free SVG

A basic geocaching shirt

This is a basic shirt that I make often.  I put our geocaching name under the logo.

I often adjust this slightly to fit a theme - such as the Susquehanna Valley Geocachers version

Or this one, for SeeMyShells 2018 tour across America.

The Design I used on the shirt above.



Find an index of my geocaching with cricut posts
and free svgs here:

Geocaches Are Out There - Free svg

Geocaching is a game - sort of a treasure hunt, but there is no real treasure other than the find.
You download the app  - - and then look for geocaches near you.  Go find them, sign the log inside, and then log it online.  

Some of the geocaches will be on guardrails and stop signs, or in a lamp post in a parking lot.  NOT my idea of fun.  Other caches are hikes in the woods, overlooks, beautiful and historical locations..  those I love.  My husband is an avid geocacher - he not only wants to find them all, he builds caches and teaches others about geocaching.

Me?  I go along for the fun stuff - the pretty hikes to overlooks, and historical spots.  We've found so many cool sights we never would have found on our own, through geocaching. 
I've made a LOT of geocaching shirts over the years.  But this Geocaching is out there is his absolute favorite.  He's always asking me to make him another one.

I've never been able to share the svg with you, because it's someone elses design that I adapted.

But today I realized I could share the link to the FREE design I started with, and just upload the svg that I added to adapt it.  So you have to download from two different places, contour out the adventure and is, then add in the second svg and weld them together. 

Weld, or combine, whichever you prefer - but you want to weld or combine so that the overlapping h in geocaching doesn't leave cut lines in the "swoosh"
I started with this FREE svg from

I removed the word Adventure & the word is
[use contour]

Then I added this:

Find more free svgs for geocachers here:

This Is My Bag Of Bags - Tote Bag SVG


This Is My Bag Of Bags Tote Bag
With Free svg

Did you know that L.L. Bean made the first tote bags in the 1940s?  "Beans Ice Carrier" was a tote designed to carry ice from your car to your ice chest - before most homes had electric refrigerators.  In the 1960s they update their Ice Carrier to the "Boat and Tote", still available today, and still one of their best sellers.  


This one is not in a zip file.  It will open in google drive. To download, click on the down arrow at the top right of the screen.

This Transwonder Matte Black is my go to favorite HTV for tote Bags.
It's about $1 a sq foot [inexpensive!], goes on beautifully, and there's just something about matte vinyl on canvas that I think works especially well.

More Tips For Working With  HTV

For My Favorite Tote Bag making supplies, a look at what I use all of these tote bags for, some of the designs I have used [including free svgs], and more, go to the tote bag index here:

The Tote Bag Index  - 
See More Of The Bags I have Made




A Quick History Of Tote Bags
Did you know the word ‘tote’ is a colloquial term that means ‘to carry a heavy load’? Quite ironic considering that nowadays the tote bag is often used to carry a few light things for day-to-day wear.

L.L.Bean is often credited with creating the first tote in Maine in 1944 when they launched "Beans Ice Carrier" - a sturdy, durable, water-resistant canvas bag. Designed to “carry ice from car to ice chest”. At the time,  Maine was known for stocking a large quantity of premium ice.  The majority of American households didn’t have refrigerators, so the bag was the solution for transporting ice from the car to the freezer.

Before long, people began using  it for all kinds of other things, like groceries and other household chores.

In the 1960s, L.L.Bean renamed their popular bag "The Boat and Tote".  They upgraded the design with some stylish elements, and the result is still one of their best sellers today.

In the 1980s, the New York Book Store the Strand pioneered the trend of tote bags for advertising.  The first Strand tote was made with cotton duck canvas (more tightly woven than canvas) and an interior lining, and it boldly advertised the store’s name, address, phone number, and slogan.

Lioness & Lions Club SVGS

I made these  specifically for our local  Lioness Lions club, while I was secretary.  Now that I am no longer a member, some of the members were wondering how to make more of the items. 
 I'm certain Lions Club is copyrighted, none of these items should be made to sell.

But to make for yourselves, you should be completely fine.  

Lioness Tote Bag

After uploading the svg, I deleted [contoured] the word "international"
Because it was too much of a pain to cut and weed at that size. In later versions, I deleted the "Lions" in that same circle, for the same reason.
Lioness Thank You Notes

The purple were the favorites, but remember that if you use purple, you will need to add white on the inside to write on.  These did work nicely  to  print the thank you message on a white rectangle and glue it inside.
Lioness Christmas Card
This is the Thank You Note, Minus the Thank you, and with a few additions.
I did not include the text in the svg.
The font I used is Montepetrum, it's free on Dafont.
I changed the text to "Draw" and had cricut write the text using the pen.



EPS & PNG versions of the logos can be found on the Lions Club Site here:

Air Force Veteran T-Shirt - Free SVG

I don't even remember what exactly I made these for.  I know a friend asked for them, and I made them...


Tips For Using HTV:
Remember, for HTV you place the HTV Shiny side down on the mat
And you Reverse, or Mirror the design.  You're cutting on the BACK of the material.  Once weeded, you'll flip the design onto the fabric, and iron [or heat press] it on.





Funcle Shirts - "Fun Uncle" Free svgs

"Funcle" = Fun Uncle
Download both of these svgs in one zip file, at the bottom of this post.

Funcle - A Noun
Like a dad, but way cooler
See also funny, handsome, exceptional

They Call Me Uncle
Because Partner In Crime
Makes Me Sound Like A
Bad Influence

Tips For Using HTV:
Remember, for HTV you place the HTV Shiny side down on the mat
And you Reverse, or Mirror the design.  You're cutting on the BACK of the material.  Once weeded, you'll flip the design onto the fabric, and iron [or heat press] it on.


